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As the businesses are more and more global and more companies expand their business operations abroad by Foreign Direct Investment, Joint Venture, and Licensing and so on. The good examples of these companies are McDonalds, Dell Co., Nike, and so on.

How does the top business schools in the country, like Harvard, Wharton School, Standford, MIT Sloan School of business respond to these globalization trends? All of these schools and other top business school in the world - that are accredited by AACSB (Association of Advanced Collegiate School of Business) - are targeting qualified international students across the globe.

Why? the answer is simply that international students can contribute their international cultural and business experience into the classroom. Not only will these benefit the domestic business students, but also the school is benefiting from the increase of graduates recruitment from companies that are constantly seeking qualified business majors with international experience.

Also these top schools usually offer some sort of international business courses (International Business Policy & Strategy, International Finance, International Marketing,etc) in their curriculum. International students would be able to share their own country’s culture and the accepted ways of doing business in their countries; not only this will make the classroom discussion more engaging, but also every students, both domestic and international, will gain these valuable information that they would not otherwise know. Some of these international experiences can not be gained just by reading business books, magazines, magazines, Wall Street Journal and such, since we know that each country has different cultures and ways of conducting business.

For example, China has a term called “Guang Xi,” which means building relationship before conducting business. This explains why McDonald first entry to China failed. In America and most Western country, there is a saying that goes “Business is strictly Business,” which means that we should not mix relationship with business. However, this is not the case in countries like China, Japan, and some other Asian countries, even in some Middle East countries as well.

If you’re thinking of going to business school, look at the percentage of their international students, most top school in the country will have relatively high percentage of international students’ enrollment

~ Bunga Setiawan, Founder of ClickNSmart Inc